One Of Hollywood’s Super Hunks Is Barely Recognizable Today
Brendan Fraser, most well known for his role as Rick O’Connell in ‘The Mummy’, has been on a bit…

Racy Photo’s Spark Concern For Britneys Mental Health
A recent Instagram post from pop star Britney Spears expressing her anger toward her family sparked concern among fans…

Restaurants Sign Sparks Local Outrage, But Sales Skyrocketed
A restaurant’s “politically incorrect” sign has sparked both admiration and condemnation in its community. The Berryhill Baja Grill, which…

Police Are Saying Joke Sticker On Mans Car Is A Hate Crime
Norwich police are currently conducting a criminal investigation along with searching for the individual in question after a Norwich…

Take A Closer Look At This Pregnancy Photo And You’ll See Why It Went Viral Instantly!
A pregnant wife was thrilled when she had her photoshoot done. She took the time to choose a beautiful…

Whenever You See Black Lines Across The Road, This Is What Your Supposed To Do
The fact is, you don’t know everything for sure. In the big world, we live in, we don’t know…

Unsuspecting Paraglider Attacked By Wild Sea Creature
Sharks can be found in just about all the world’s oceans and seas. There are many kinds including the…

Police Officers Are Furious Over Viral Cartoon
Pat Bagley, the award-winning political cartoonist of the Salt Lake Tribune, has sparked controversy with his latest cartoon featuring…

Mans Trick To Get Revenge On Package Thieves Goes Viral
Everyone knows the feeling of ordering packages and having them delivered only to come to find someone else swiped…

People Are Boycotting Goodwill After Employees Revealed Their Secret
Goodwill has been an outstanding company. It offers access to secondhand clothes. The urge to have something new at…