Gary Sinise Finds Real Life Lt. Dan Who Lost Both Legs In Battle, Makes His Day
People know Gary Sinise for being a champion of veteran’s causes. He has known how to price in on…

School Are Taking Down Analog Clocks Because Students Can’t Read Them
With the whole world moving in the direction of everything digital, kids are missing out on the chance to…

Vegan Takes Neighbors To Court Because She Can Smell The Meat From Their Grill
When being vegan you deal with some different problems than a normal non-vegan person. Finding strictly plant based foods…

Officers Slammed For Refusing To Salute The Flag
Assistant Chief of Police Anuta Najiy, a women of color, stood next to her colleagues and proceeded to not…

They Want To Bring Back Home Economics In School Because Teens Are Lacking Normal Life Skills
According to many students, their main objective of going to school is to pass exams by getting good grades.…

Animal Abusers Get Taste Of Own Medicine In Court
It can be too annoying to see some heartless people hurt innocent creatures for no apparent reason. These type…

Boy Surprises His Fellow Students With His “Make a wish” Wish
Some individuals are particularly considerate and giving. This is a personality characteristic that actually exists. Human existence isn’t always…

Locals Furious Over Sign In Mcdonalds Window
Christmas is widely known as one of the most wonderful times of the year. It is a time where…

Circus Elephants Have Emotional Reunion After Not Seeing Each Other For 22 Years
The category of emotions humans are capable of feeling are seemingly endless. From moments of happiness to nervous excitement,…

Grandma Gets Last Laugh On Rude Young Driver
It is interesting how life works out sometimes. One moment the day unfolds like any other day and the…