Christmas is widely known as one of the most wonderful times of the year. It is a time where the decorations come out and certain stores or food chains begin providing festive items, such as Christmas themed donuts or coffee. In Walmart and other big brand chain stores, Christmas items begin appearing almost right after Halloween. It is a time of wonder and happiness for many people and is loved almost universally by everyone. It is also a time where kids are reminded that Santa is coming, and wait for Christmas Eve with excitement, so much so that a common trope is that they will not be able to sleep that night. It is also a time where in many places nativity scenes and other Christian images begin to appear as they prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
A common image that appears is that of the nativity scene, which in most if not every case portrays baby Jesus in the manger with his parents, Mary and Joseph, at his side. Other aspects of the nativity scene may change, such as including the Wise Men, or certain animals. Nativity scenes may not always just appear in Christian places or in homes though, sometimes businesses choose to portray the scene as well. Recently, a McDonalds’ window went viral on social media for portraying such a scene. During a drive by the chain restaurant, a woman stopped and took a picture of the painting of the nativity scene that was in the McDonalds’ window. She posted it on social media, claiming that it had made her day.
The window portrays a classic nativity scene, complete with baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, a cow, and the words “Rejoice” and “His name is Jesus”. While some people may have become offended by this painting as it continued to go viral, many others found it as great as the woman who took the picture did. The owners of the McDonalds, Tony and Gina, have been painting this scene on their window in the restaurant for years and found it astonishing that it went viral on Facebook this year. They were delighted to find that their window was getting a lot of attention.
The painting in the window is a way that the couple can express what they believe in without hopefully seeming like they were trying to overpower or step on the beliefs of others. For them and those who liked the picture on social media, it is also a reminder of what the Christmas season is really about, which also allows them to show the world what they believe in, and to be proud of it. The two of them are not ashamed of their faith or what they believe in, and they always take the opportunity to show it, even if it is just on the window of a McDonalds.